Monday, October 27, 2008

Chapter 15 Handouts

Chapter 15 is divided into 3 sections and a study guide for downloading purposes.
Section 15-1
Section 15-2
Section 15-3
Study guide

Chapter 15 Assignment Sheet
Assignment Sheet

Follow the links to download the documents as pdf files.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Test Questions

Here are some possible test questions:
-Explain the difference between observation and inference by providing examples from the text or class.
-Is palm reading scientific? Use the criteria we discussed in class and explain whether dowsing is scientific or not scientific. Explain why palm reading seems to work and why people believe it
-What is dowsing? Is dowsing scientific? Use the criteria we discussed in class and explain whether dowsing is scientific or not
-What is graphology? Is graphology science? Use the criteria we discussed in class and explain whether graphology is science or non-science.
-Explain the 6 themes of Science as Identified by Stevenson
- A friend of yours (from another science class not taught by Stevenson) describes a hypothesis as an educated guess. How would you your friend the error of their ways? (refer to the cube activity to support your explanation.)
-How does a hypothesis help scientists understand the natural world?
-Why is it advantageous for scientists to test only one variable at a time during an experiment?
-What equipment did Redi use in his experiment? Why was the gauze important?
-What question was Spallanzani’s experiment designed to answer?
-Why is it misleading to describe science as a collection of facts?
-Explain why you cannot draw a conclusion about the effect of one variable in an investigation when the other key variables are not controlled.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Scientific American Frontiers -- Beyond Science

PBS Scientific American Frontiers video archive for Beyond Science
You can re-watch or watch the video for the first time if you were absent.

This is the worsheet that accompanies the video Download and print if you lost or want to clean up.