Monday, December 8, 2008

I think I need an image for my blog header

I want to add some visual interest to my blog format, so I'd like a header with some character. Here are a couple examples:
Endless Forms Most Beautiful
Biology in Action
Extreme Biology

I'd like someone with some photoshop skills to help me out here.


Anonymous said...

My student Brandon made our great header for Extreme Biology. I'm not sure what he used to create it, though. I usually use Picnik to make headers.

EFMB and Biology in Action are both Wordpress blogs and so their headers are easily made by just uploading a picture. No photoshop needed.

Anyway, I noticed the link here to my class blog and so I read some of your posts. I wanted to tell you that you and your students are doing an awesome job. You have some really great posts and a lot fantastic links. The videos especially are wonderful and I plan on using some of them in my own biology classes. So, thanks! Keep up the great work!!!

Stevenson said...

Miss Baker,
Thanks for your comments, they are very encouraging coming from some one who provides PD in educational blogging. I have only scanned through Extreme Biology and Using Blogs in Science Education. When I have some spare time I'll look more closely.